Physiotherapy Services
Good movement and well-being go hand in hand; it is hard to imagine having one without the other. When it comes to restoring movement to the body that has become stiffened, weak or painful to move, Physiotherapists are the professionals to go to.
At the Nataraya Spa & Wellness, we are committed to helping you regain your well-being by restoring the best level of mobility possible. Be it because of old age, injury, post-operative or for any other reason, mobility can often become impaired. Our Physiotherapy service is here to offer you the opportunity to regain your mobility under the supervision and guidance of our highly esteemed therapists.
We can offer you all the means possible, from manual therapy to exercises in the gym or pool in order to facilitate your recovery. By combining all these facilities in one place, we not only make it comfortable for you to benefit from this service but we can also ensure that throughout your program you are adequately supervised, guided and supported. ​

Conditions Treated
Neck pain and Headaches
Jaw pain (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)
Shoulder problems (e.g. frozen shoulder, pain, clicking shoulders, post-operative rehab)
Elbow problems (e.g. tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, dislocation)
Wrist pain (e.g. sprains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
Hand problems (fractures, arthritis, numbness)
Upper Back problems (stiffness, poor posture, pain in the shoulder blades and ribs)
Lower Back problems (sciatica, tight muscles, stiffness, disc problems, lumbar instability)
Hip, Buttock and Pelvic pain (bursitis, arthritis, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliitis)
Knee problems (patellar pain, weakness, patellar instability and arthritic pain)
Foot and Ankle problems (strains, sprains, pins and needles)
Manual therapy is a branch of physiotherapy that requires extensive training in manual techniques, clinical reasoning and differential diagnosing. It involves the combination of all techniques considered manual (e.g., myofascial release, joint mobilisation, nerve glides, scar stretches, joint manipulation, facilitated stretching, etc) along with an in-depth approach to clinical reasoning. The purpose of manual therapy is to address both the presenting symptom and the underlying cause.

Not all exercise is movement and not all movement is exercise. Exercise therapy involves carrying out movements that are controlled in direction, speed and quality. Exercise therapy is useful for restoring mobility and allows patients to take control of their progress, thus speeding up the process and quality of their recovery.
The problem of poor posture is rarely addressed until it results in aches, pains and other issues. Most patients presenting with poor posture often fail to link their symptoms to their posture at work. Posture re-education involves acknowledging the influence of bad posture on your well-being and in turn making the necessary changes to help restore an optimal postural alignment. Posture Re-Education involves acknowledging the influence of bad posture on your well-being and in turn making the necessary changes to help restore an optimal postural alignment. Some of this therapy work will address the ergonomics and external environment postural habits at work, however, to correct one’s posture a combination of exercise, manual adjustments and habit retraining will be necessary for good posture to be restored.

Surgery is never a desired option, but unfortunately, at times it is the only solution. Nonetheless, for the full benefit of the surgical intervention to be attained, a proper rehabilitation program is a must. Post-Operative Physiotherapy will ensure that you get the full possible mobility while also managing your pain to stop it from limiting your recovery. A combination of manual therapy and an exercise program will be necessary to get the most out of your surgery. Our facilities also provide the option of using the gym and exercising in the pool, so as to maximise your results while minimising discomfort.
Dry Needling is the practice of using acupuncture needles to. However, the practice of Dry Needling does not share the same philosophy of meridians as is adopted by the ancient art of Acupuncture. Dry Needling, as evidenced by numerous studies, offers a simple approach to the use of extra-fine needles in releasing release muscle spasms, decreasing swelling, decreasing inflammation, and promoting tissue repair. A common concern for many is whether the needles are painful or not. Being that the needles contain no medication do not serve to have a substance pass through them, like the needles that accompany a syringe, hence the name ‘dry needling’, they are made to be so extremely fine, that in most cases patients fail do not to feel the insertion and presence of the needle at all.

Trigger points are like a short circuit that happens in small parts of muscles, and when such muscles they are subjected to a stressful period, be it from work, sports, or any other activity. Trigger points can develop from overuse and can become a source of pain in themselves (known as latent trigger points) or even refer to pain elsewhere (known as active trigger points). Due to their ability to refer pain elsewhere, trigger points can be very confusing and can often be mistaken for other conditions such as sciatica, cardiac problems, kidney problems, etc etc. Nonetheless, testing and treating for trigger points is quite simple, straightforward, and non-complicated. The treatment for trigger points is also quite simple and straightforward and involves a combination of dry needling, myofascial release and gentle stretching exercises.
Pain Management Through Clinical Hypnosis
At times some patients present themselves with generalised pain across their body that fails to respond to conventional medicine. In these instances, where an underlying medical pathology has been ruled out, the use of Clinical Hypnosis has been found effective in changing the altering one’s perception of pain. Clinical Hypnosis is vastly researched nowadays, and gone are the days when it was shrouded in mystery and feared as mind control. Clinical Hypnosis simply put is the ability to access a natural state of the mind that is common to all, and use this faculty for therapeutic benefits, simply through the power of suggestion. Painful conditions that can benefit from the use of Clinical Hypnosis are Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Tension Headaches and more Cancer medications, etc. Due to its ability to influence unwanted behaviour, Clinical Hypnosis can also be used to alter other pain-generating conditions like Bruxism, Jaw Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Headaches and more.
Elderly Mobility
No age group can relate to the mantra of ‘Movement is Life’ more than the elderly. For the elderly, staying mobile is not a luxury, but a requirement for both quality and longevity of life. Because of various restrictions that one may encounter in their daily life, be it from inadequate infrastructure, support from others and adequate supervision, Due to various reasons, many elderly people are not fulfilling their need to exercise and stay mobile. By providing them with the appropriate environment, equipment and guidance, the elderly can meet their mobility needs comfortably and safely. An investment in mobility is an investment in independence and keeping the elderly mobile is a guaranteed way of keeping them independent for as long as possible.

Your Physiotherapist
Dr Carlo Conti graduated in 2001 with a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from The University of Malta. Following several years of practice in local institutions, in 2006 Dr Conti attended the University of Western Australia where he completed a Masters in Manual Therapy. He then set off to the UK to practice in private clinics, where he also completed his Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Since then, Dr Conti has been introducing the practice of Clinical Hypnosis to patients suffering from chronic pain and other physical ailments due to stress, anxiety and maladaptive behaviours.
In 2009 Dr Conti attended The University of Melbourne to complete a Doctorate in Clinical Physiotherapy. During his studies, his research focused on the effects of ergonomics in adopting and maintaining an optimal posture while sitting. The outcome of this research is now being used to set up office workstation ergonomics with the purpose of maximising productivity and well-being.
Dr Conti currently works in private practice and will be bringing all his knowledge and experience to help address the aches and pains of his patients to be pain-free, mobile and independent so they may enjoy an active and fulfilling life.
Contact Us
Nataraya Day Spa & Wellness
Pergola Hotel & Spa
Adenau Street,
Mellieħa, MLĦ 2014
+356 2289 4482
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
9:30 am – 6:00 pm
By Appointment Only